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What do you focus on when recruiting staff? When evaluating candidates, it’s essential that you pay attention to the details to be able to get the right people to help with your practice. Today I share with you 4 THINGS you’ll want to add to your hiring process, so you can really get to know applicants before recruiting them.

Have you heard the story of Mick Jagger and his bowl of M&Ms?

Before performing at any show, he would request the staff to give him a bowl of M&Ms with all the brown ones left out. While most people found this to be a strange and perhaps a high-maintenance request, he did it so that he could see just how much the staff paid attention to detail. He used this as a dipstick test to see how they might handle other seemingly mundane details that are actually really important when setting up for a performance.

Similarly, when recruiting staff for your practice, you should pay attention to the details. This means you should get to really know how a person might behave or what their skillsets are, to see if they can work well with you and your organization. A thorough and detail-oriented hiring process will be your dipstick test.

In evaluating candidates, make sure to ask qualifying questions on your job post to really see if the applicant is the right fit before meeting them face-to-face. Consider also doing a working interview, so you can get a feel of how their work ethic might be if you hire them.

Watch until the end of this video to know more about the 2 other things that you should consider adding to your hiring process to get the right people. Recruiting staff with these 4 tips will surely help you form a competent team!

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