Today we’re taking over the blog in order to tell you why cucumbers are better marketers than YOU! We are Rick and Mike from Meraki Marketing. Our business is to get your business more business! We love lead generation and have been working with chiropractic clients (and Dr. Tom!) for a few years now.
Over these years we have recognized that small business owners (specifically chiropractors) have this specific viewpoint about marketing themselves and their services.
With all the pressure to follow certain scripts, be extravagant in the marketplace to stand out in your community, it’s easy to feel inauthentic… almost like a used car salesman.
Because of this mentality, small business owners and chiropractors shy away from marketing their practice and rely on referrals to grow.
So how exactly is a cucumber a better marketer than me?!
Cucumbers have NO pre-conceived notions about what marketing is. They have not been beaten down by society or influenced by slimy salesmen.
Cucumbers are just cucumbers. They just are.
There is a great audiobook called Plant Paradox that talks about the defense mechanisms of fruit (yes, apparently cucumbers are a fruit). Since it doesn’t have any real defense mechanisms, it produces an internal toxin called lectin that presents itself until the fruit is “ready” and “ripe”. The only way for the fruit to reproduce is to have its seed mature, have an animal eat it and expel it as waste for it to be replanted and reproduce.
This is just an authentic expression of how a cucumber amplifies its message, which makes a great analogy for marketing.
This is what we call your “Legaseed”.
How do you spread YOUR legaseed?
Once you find what yours is, you share it as it is! Don’t hold back! This is who you are, this is what you do, this is your authentic piece of the world.
If you’re passionate about chiropractic and FULLY believe in your services, you should not be one bit shy about sharing this with your community. We just ask you find the most authentic way to share it. The cucumber doesn’t go to the mall and hand its seeds to unexpecting strangers. If mall screenings don’t work for you, then don’t do them!
Full Circle has a lot of coaching tools that help people get rid of their own stigma around marketing. Clearing their unsupportive beliefs and habits has allowed tons of chiropractic coaching clients to be more successful and find growth organically (and without marketing).
One of Full Circle’s clients was not having much success closing new patients on continued adjustments. Patients weren’t sticking to their recommendations!
Once this doctor completed one of our coaching exercises, she realized their family had already reached “financial success” as defined by themselves and their family. This eliminated her scarcity consciousness in new patient conversations because she had the freedom to just be a chiropractor because she enjoyed chiropractic.
She felt free to just spread her legaseed authentically and whoever jumps on board with her services – great! Once this shift in mindset happened, the number of people who started saying “yes” to her chiropractic recommendations was exponentially higher all of the sudden!
Huge growth starts from within, by being willing to share your “Legaseed”.
If you want to build your legacy, talk to your coach about your own pre-conceived notions and unsupportive belief systems you have.
Once you’re ready for marketing strategies and tactics we are here to help! Get in touch with us to set up an initial call to see how we can help you spread your message online – if that’s authentic to you.
Get out there and grow your LEGASEED!