Are you ready to grow your practice while taking more time off?
Take a few minutes and answer a couple questions about your business to get started.

Dr. Mark Halpern
“As an experiment I am taking Monday’s off in the summer, and reduced my hours from 40 to 30.
Last week I saw double the amount of patients in a week than normal and every month has been better than comparable months the past 7 years.”

Dr. Tara Price
“Coaching with Full Circle for the past 18 months with our business team has been the best decision we have made in 14 years of practice.
As we wrap up our 18 month contract we reflect on our 37% growth in our business, better relationships with our partners and team, implementation of new systems to run a more efficient clinic, financial plan and goals set out for life/business, improved family life and relationship with spouse, more time off with no dip in billings, making dreams a reality – trip to Disney ☺.

Dr. Rena Citron
“While one of my goals with coaching was to increase my financial expression, I also ended up with a wonderful increase in my well being as well.
Although my practice volume is pretty similar, my expenses have reduced and I am working less hours to achieve the same result (20 clinic hours per week, whereas pre coaching I was averaging around 27).
I am using the “extra” time to spend more time with my kids, consistent “date nights” with my hubby and even some “me” time.
Very rewarding program.”

Dr. Jen Dennis
“Looking at the stats from the last quarter, we are up 100% in comparison to the last quarter. It’s life changing.
Despite being a full-time college teacher, a cash practice, and focusing on motor vehicle cases… we got the right systems in place that allowed me to be ready to take on more new patients with ease, which has actually created a vacuum in the universe to attract new patients into the office without marketing!“