Do you still have thousands of student loans looming over you each day?  

Do you have a line of credit for your business?  

How about a credit card or two that you’ve racked up?  

And are you paid up on your taxes?  

We accrue a lot of debt to get to where we are today and it can become crippling if you don’t have a solution for it.

Here are 3 steps to take control back and start wearing the pants in your relationship with debt:  

Debt Domination Plan:   

#1: Break the ‘Debt Attraction’ Cycle

“What you think about you bring about.”

  Those who stress and think about debt constantly, are naturally going to attract more debt.

Here’s how to break the cycle:

Take a piece of paper and start creatively conceptualizing all the ways your debt has served you until you are eternally grateful to have had someone else give you their money for you to live the life you have.

For example, your borrowed money may have allowed you to:

  • Buy a car to safely and easily get your family to school, sports, get food, etc.
  • Buy a house to support and shelter your family
  • Become a Doctor and help change lives
  • Buy an office space so patients have somewhere to show up and see you

 Once you can feel grateful for the debt and your lenders, you take the control back in the situation. 

While this won’t magically make your debt go away, it’s guaranteed to make you feel better, and it’s the start of stopping the attraction of more credit card accidents.


#2: The Value-Switch   

This exercise will allow you to stop hiding from the number, no matter how much debt you owe, and tackle it head-on. Here’s the exercise:

  1. Calculate how much debt you have across all your lenders
  2. Divide that total by the cost of your service (example, $45 for a chiropractic adjustment)
  3. You’re left with a physical action plan, a number of services it will take to wipe out your debt

  Once you have your service number, you go from stressing and therefore attracting more debt, to thinking and therefore attracting more patients to serve to help you clear this down.


#3: Commit to Growth 

It’s not enough to just have the number and think the universe will just send over new patients to make your debt go away.

It’s going to take time, and it’s going to take commitment.

Which is why we need a plan.

You’re not going to suddenly count every patient visit as a measure against your debt because you still have a business to run.

However, if you can commit to growing your practice by say, 10 extra services per month, knowing those will be your debt relief, then you have a positive motivation and a plan for where the additional income will go.

We believe the universe is always conspiring to support you.

However, you need a clear plan and an intention for where the surplus of money will go before the universe can step in and fulfill your request.  

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How This Works:

One of our clients had racked up 5 or 6 credit cards on top of their other debts, and they were paralyzed. 

Their debt controlled them.

It was like the debt was governing their happiness and growth, and they couldn’t see a way out.

When it came time for the money portion of their Blueprint, and we found this out, we first consolidated his debt so it was one focus rather than having six different “bad guys” expecting his money each month.

Once he could see the reality of his situation, and he could see how it’s just a matter of X number of services spread out over the next few years, he was committed to growth rather than paralyzed by debt.

I promise you there is magic in a clear plan of action combined with a clear plan for where the additional income will go.

This is the formula for having new patients show up *out of nowhere*. If you want to learn about our Practice Growth Formula for busy family-based practice owners who hate marketing, so you can make more money and have more for your family…

grow chiropractic office
Let’s create your Blueprint.

Then let’s talk about building your Practice From Within Blueprint.

No two paths to success are the same, because no two definitions of success are the same.

So if you’re ready to stop trying to do it all on your own, end the burnout, and enjoy your practice again because it’s allowing you to fund an intentionally designed life, then book a call and let’s talk about what your Blueprint might look like.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Just click here if you want help building your Blueprint.