Name: Dr. Catherine Kirk

Location: Peterborough, Ontario

I have been working with Tom for the past year and have seen tremendous changes in my life. This is the first coaching experience that I have had where our goals were based on my values not some numbers preached up on a podium. After having a couple of different coaches I realize how crucial it is to have your goals congruent with your true values, otherwise it leads to self-destruction.

The past year has brought huge changes in my thinking, my systems in the office and my stress levels. I now work less hours, have way more fun and feel great about the balance in my life. I know that working with Tom has opened up areas in myself that I chose to bury for years and working through this has benefited all aspects of my life. Tom has a gift for knowing when and how much to push to help me move forward and grow as a person. His honesty, love and intuition are key to his ability to be such an elite coach. Looking over the past year I am amazed how much we have accomplished together and what a wonderful experience it has been!