You can wake up and get through your day, or you can wake up and OWN it. The difference comes down to having a personal development plan.

Key Number One – Get to KNOW yourselfcome alive

How does one really come to know themselves? It can take many years of trying new things and seeing how you adapt and react. KNOWING yourself means having an answer to all the minor nuances of your being and why they exist. Knowing why you do what you do, act the way that you do, and even dress the way that you do. Some of the questions to digging deeper inside of yourself include:

  • Where/when do you feel most centered, whole and complete?

  • What makes you “come alive”?

  • Where do you trust yourself enough to let go of inhibitions?

Start to get PASSIONATELY curious about yourself.

Key Number Two – CHALLENGE Yourself

Once you really know yourself, then you can understand where your comfort zone is and what is “possible” for you in your life…and then aim to expand it.

Once a week, you will need to challenge yourself to do something that makes you uncomfortable. Not only is this going to widen your comfort zone, but also the momentum behind this will carry into your business, your relationships, and other pieces of your life. This is where the magic lies… Your Dreams… Your Childhood aspirations… Your bucket list as it were.

Here are few examples of how to challenge yourself:

  • Lay down for 10 seconds in a very public place – Tim Ferriss recommended

  • Talk to 3 strangers tomorrow for at least 60 seconds each

  • Have a conversation with a homeless man over some lunch

  • Hug a stranger

If you can get a picture of yourself doing these things, they make great anchors for how powerful you really are. Cherish it. Also, post it on Instagram if you have an account!

challenge you

KEY Number Three – Reflect on Yourself

We all reflect, all the time… just not always consciously.

It is one of the best ways to quiet your mind at the end of the day and mentally prepare you for the day ahead.  For this we recommend journaling and writing out some of the important aspects of the day.

Journalling for 5 minutes before bed is all that’s needed.

Some points to make sure you reflect on include:

  • Highlights of the day

  • Things that you are grateful for from the day

  • Top 5- 10 accomplishments or wins for the day (this may be hard at first but gets easier – don’t be so critical)

  • Top priorities for the next day

“My past has not defined me, destroyed me, deterred me, or defeated me; it has only strengthened me.” 
― Steve Maraboli

Key Number Four – Grow Yourself

The fourth key in your personal development plan is growth of self expression. Life is like binary code it is a series of zero’s and ones. If you are not growing, you’re dying. Challenging yourself is one major aspect of growth!

Here are some ways you can grow your authentic expression:

  • Define Your Core Values – (step 1 of this article) The more you live from your Core Values, the more your life seems to flow easily

  • Create rhythms for your life – such as a morning routine that helps you become mentally clear and align with your mission

  • Read – Read books that open your awareness to what is possible for your life and ones that inspire massive action

  • Try something new – Whether it is new foreign foods, or taking different modes of transportation to work for the next week. Be Different and be Bold about it.

  • Meditate – Finding quiet relaxation for 5-30 minutes throughout the day is an amazing way to reassess the direction of your day and reprioritize the things that are the most important.

These are just 4 aspects to a personal development plan. Find what works for you and innovate on it. It takes approximately 21 days to build a habit, so aim for 30 and make it habitual.

HAVE FUN with it.


Guest written:

mike tielemansMike Tielemans

One of Full Circle’s main concierges and business development boys, Mike also runs Meraki Marketing with his twin brother Rick. Passionate about marketing, travelling and peanut butter. and coffee. but not always together.

One of the most valuable tools I have used in developing my personal development plan is the Full Circle “I Know I Am Successful When” exercise, which has led me into the highest form of clarity for the vision of my success than ever before. 

Before you craft your personal development plan, complete the exercise below and define success for your life, so that each piece of your personal development plan will lead you one step closer on a daily basis.


lets start