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As a business owner, one of the worst jobs to do is having to fire someone. As difficult as staff dismissal is, firing staff who underperform will make sure that your business can grow and expand with the right people. If you do quarterly employee reviews and implement an open door policy in the workplace, your task can become easier.

So, how do you know when it’s time to fire someone? In today’s video, I’ll give you 3 TIPS (and a half) to help you identify when the time to fire an employee has arrived.

The reality is that it’s different for every office. It depends on how you run your business and why you run it the way you do. For example, if you’ve got a business with a whole bunch of people, it might be tougher to know the pulse on every single person, which can make it harder to put your foot down on staff dismissal.

Having an open door policy in the workplace sets a good foundation because it allows your employees to feel free to talk to you about anything they have in their minds. If they know they can stop you in the hallway or visit you in your office when they have ideas or concerns, they’ll be confident to approach you with matters before they even blow out of proportion.

Touching base with your employees is important. If you can do daily huddles, it will allow you to cut problems off before they even happen. On top of an open door policy in the workplace, a daily huddle at the start of every workday sets the tone and clears up any potential conflicts with open communication between you and your staff.

Firing staff is not easy, which is why I encourage you to watch this entire video to see the 2 other tips I have on quarterly employee reviews and annual general meetings. Going through these 3 and a half tips can surely help you handle staff dismissal in your business.

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