Let’s face it; business coaching and consulting is made out to be the perfect solution to anyone and any business who can afford it. However, it really isn’t for everyone. Here’s how to know if consulting will NOT work for you: small business consulting

  1. You are just not coachable

    There are people who just don’t handle this method of learning very well. It’s highly likely that you’re not coachable if:

  • You’re not open to feedback

  • You get defensive easily

  • You have a need to look a certain way and hide your weaknesses

  • You’re not quick to share the credit for success

A coachable student is a successful student. Every successful individual is a life-long learner. If you don’t believe you spend enough time learning about yourself and your business and/or you do not handle constructive feedback very well, your coach is likely to fire you in the process, to ensure neither of you waste eachother’s time.

  1. You have a problem with authority figures

If you were someone who went through school despising the teachers and ignoring the homework assignments, it could be attributed to a discord with authority. If this is the case, a coach or consultant would likely trigger similar responses and homework assignment would often go unfinished. This is also observed by those who despise the “rich” and disrespect those who have what you do not. i.e. the neighbour with the ferrari.

  1. Metathesiophobia: The Fear of Change

A comfortable life is the end of game for many entrepreneurs, although there is comfort in stagnation. Having a fear or change is an inherently natural occurrence in humans because of the way we are designed to detect unsafe events. It’s designed to keep us “safe”, but safe doesn’t always get you the results you want. You may consciously want to make a change in your lifestyle and your results, but you may also have subconscious programming running that is sabotaging this.

  1. The Johah Complex: a Fear of Success

You may suffer a form of this if you:

  • Are turned off by the pressures of responsibility

  • You’re worried about what others would think of you or treat you if you were to achieve an elegant lifestyle

  • You’re scared of putting yourself in an authority figure position

  • You tend to spend/drink/gamble away any money you earn

A successful life doesn’t have to be one full of responsibility, public speeches, heavy decisions, and big toys; but if it’s these pressures that hinder your ability to achieve success, having a coach would not even seem like a good idea to your subconscious programming.

  1. Instant Gratification

As a society we have created a population of immediate satisfaction seekers with mass consumption habits. This trains us to need things faster, expect quick results, and avoid solutions that seemingly take too long. If you are chasing overnight success, consulting and coaching may not be your best angle. Specifically with Full Circle where the program is designed to expose your subconscious programs sabotaging your success before taking the steps forward to creating results in your business.

However, if these qualities don’t jump out as something you resonate with then you may be an excellent candidate for a small business coach & consultant.

If you resonate with the idea that you can achieve higher results with an authentic accountability coach, send us an email to [email protected]with the subject line “small business consulting works for me” and 3 reasons why you are a good fit for coaching. If qualified, we will set up a 20 min complimentary call with one of our authenticity coaches.

“Don’t let mental blocks control you. Set yourself free. Confront your fear and turn the mental blocks into building blocks.”  -Roopleen