“You know what I like about people? They stack so easily.”


That’s a line from the television program House of Cards. And while its lead character is based on Richard the Third, those words still ring true. People have roles, and when they are competent and consistent at said roles, your profile has risen. It’s as easy at that.

You’re not Richard the Third, I know. Neither am I. Instead, we are entrepreneurs left with an obvious task; surround ourselves with the most competent and consistent role players we can find. Tech personnel, creative types, administrative support – all these different facets require proven professionals. Some small business owners may try handling all those moving parts, but very few do so successfully.

I have a team who handles web development, because I am not a web developer. I have administration support, because I do not have the time or patience for all the tedious admin work I require to remain organized. And while I certainly am creative, I’m not much of painter, and we all require a company paint job from time to time.

One of the most coveted gifts in business is the ability to stack the talents of other people. This is how people who consistently succeed rise above the people who only succeed at working too much. The best small business advice I can suggest to anyone is to put your ego aside and allow others to express their natural talents for a successful result and a much happier process.